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Introducing "Pipe-Pal". The amazing line of patent pending   conduit spacer and pipe installation tools and accessories. Pipe-Pal reduces the need to use a tape measure for your conduit installation.

Pipe-Pal spacers are 57.7% more efficient than spacing with your linesman or other tools/devices!     See video here


This patent pending tool incorporates the use of Neodymium Magnets, which allows for a more hands-free installation. You can space 4 conduits at a time, allowing for maximum efficiency and production.


We also have magnetic Mark-out Inserts that work with your conduit spacersto assist with panel/gutter box connector layout. This, removes the need to offset into your panel, gutter

box or junction box.

Our inexpensive and highly effective Pipe-Pal Laser System,

installs directly in your rack. It is a powerful Class 3, Green Laser (uses 2 AAA batteries (not included)), that works in almost all lighting situations.    See video here


It works great for installing anchors, rack, etc and addresses many challenges that come with conventional line lasers:

  • the replacement cost of the laser is $19.95, which makes it more affordable than conventional lasers (which ranges in cost from $150-$400 per unit).

  • It installs right in your rack, so no more lasers getting knocked over on the ground. 

  • No more having to move materials on the ground that will block the laser.

  • Your lift or ladder will not block the laser light, as it will be installed over head.

  • The way the unit is set up, you can adjust and line up your laser quickly.

  • The dust on site, will make the laser act like a "virtual green chalk-line" in the air.

  • While installing your laser, you are actually performing the first part of your installation, further increasing your productivity.

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Double your productivity with less than half the effort.

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EMT Conduit Spacing

Did you know our conduit spacers also work with other Rigid Aluminum, PVC & Tek Cables?
3/4" EMT Spacer works w/3C - 14, 12 & 10 AWG, 1/2" Rigid, etc
1" EMT Spacer works w/3C - 8 & 6 AWG, 3/4 Rigid, etc

(as each conduit has a different OD, there will be a slight tolerance)

Pipe-Pal reduces the risk of neck/shoulder strain, when installing and spacing your conduits.

Pipe-Pal is simple to use.


It will speed up your installation and provide you with a clean install. It's great for early term apprentices that have little to no experience installing conduit. It's made right here in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Thank you for your support. More time saving innovations coming soon!

Work smart. Not hard!

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Download laser safety information here:

Download laser system instructions here:

Patent Pending US 63/140,699. Pipe-Pal and all content on this site are trademarks of Pipe-Pal Holdings Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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